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Signs and symptoms of cervical cancer Women with early cervical cancers and pre-cancers usually have no symptoms. Symptoms often do not begin until

Read more: Signs and symptoms of cervical cancer

Measures to avoid breast cancer Antioxidants are chemicals that prevent a type of chemical reaction called oxidation.Oxidation is a major source.The free radical formation. 


Read more: Measures to avoid breast cancer

Nutrition after cancer treatment Most side effects go away after treatment ends, but some can take time to resolve It is important.(as per advice during treatment)

Read more: nutrition after cancer treatment

More than 11,000 American women develop cervical cancer each year. However, cervical cancer is a treatable condition and there is a goodchance of cure


NCI Press Release NIH study finds negative HPV screening test result is a better predictor low cervical cancer risk than a negative

Read more: NIH study finds negative HPV screening test result is a better predictor of low cervical cancer...

.How the Cancer Prevention Studies Save Lives   The American Cancer Society first began conducting long-term prospective studies (also called follow-up studies) in the 1950s.

Read more: How the Cancer Prevention Studies Save

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