Symptoms & Types To understand epilepsy and seizures, familiarize yourself with the major types as well as epilepsy signs and symptoms. We’ve got basic information.
SymptomsLearn the warning signs that someone is having a seizure. Types Types of epilepsy There are several types of epilepsy, each with different causes, symptoms and treatments. Learn about idiopathic epilepsy, symptomatic epilepsy, and other types. Types of seizures Six types of seizures are most common. Learn the symptoms of myoclonic seizures. Photo sensitive epilepsy Learn what photosensitive epilepsy is and how it's treated. Benign Rolandic Epilepsy Benign rolandic epilepsy is one form of epilepsy. With this condition, seizures affect the face and sometimes the body. Juvenilemyoclonic epilepsy Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy is among the most common forms of epilepsy. One of every 14 people with epilepsy have juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Abdominal Epilepsy Abdominal epilepsy is an exceptionally rare syndrome of epilepsy that's more likely to occur in children. With abdominal epilepsy, seizure activity causes abdominal symptoms. Absence seizures Affecting about two of every 1,000 people, absence (formerly called petit mal) seizures are caused by abnormal and intense electrical activity in the brain. Temporal lobe seizures Temporal lobe, or psychomotor, seizures are caused by abnormal electrical activity in an area of the brain known as the temporal lobe. This abnormal activity results in temporary changes in movement, sensation, or autonomic function (such as heart rate and salivation). Temporal lobe seizures Learn what photosensitive epilepsy is and how it's treated. Epilepsy in Women More than one million women of child-bearing age in the U.S. have a seizure disorder. Not only do they have to cope with seizures, they must also deal with the impact the disorder can have on their reproductive health. Women Pregnancy and Epilepsy Fortunately, most women with epilepsy give birth to normal, healthy babies, if you take precautions, your chance of having a healthy child is greater than 90%. Birthcontrol and epilepsy If you are a woman who has epilepsy, there are some important things you should know before using birth control or planning a pregnancy. New moms with epilepsy Now that you've had your baby, you probably have a number of concerns and questions. And you may or may not have to make some lifestyle changes to keep your baby safe and healthy. Epilepsy in Children and Teens Epilepsy in children Watching your child have his or her first seizure was probably one of the most frightening moments of your life. Finding out that your child has epilepsy may have been another one. Epilepsy and teens Teenage years are often a time when standing out is the last thing a child wants. A lot of kids feel painfully awkward, and it can be worse for teenagers with epilepsy. Caring For Child With Epilepsy The challenges of parenting are compounded if your child has epilepsy. Not only do you have the normal concerns about raising a child, but now you have to address emotional concerns both you and your child may have about living with epilepsy. Handling bad behavior with a child with epilepsy Remember, children with epilepsy should be treated just like any other child whenever possible. Just as kids with epilepsy can go to school, play sports, and go on dates, they can also get yelled at by their parents when they step out of line. Epilepsy and your child’s school The best way to prevent misunderstandings about epilepsy at school is to step in early. At the beginning of the year, go talk to your child's teacher and school nurse. Your child sports and Epilepsy Some children with epilepsy worry that they won't be able to play sports. A lot of parents have the mistaken impression that sports are too dangerous. Courtesy: